Wednesday, April 17, 2024

CapyPDF 0.10.0 is out

Perhaps the most interesting feature is that this new version reduces the number of external dependencies by almost 15%. In other words the number of deps went from 7 to 6. This is due to Apple Clang finally shipping with std::format support so fmt::format could be removed. The actual change was pretty much a search & replace from fmt::format to std::format. Nice.

Other features include:

  • L*a*b* color support in paint operations
  • Reworked raster image APIs
  • Kerned text support
  • Support for all PDF/X versions, not just 3
  • Better outline support

But most importantly, there are now stickers:

Sadly you can't actually buy them anywhere, they can only be obtained by meeting me in person and asking for one.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Aesthetics matter

When I started working on Meson I had several goals: portability, performance, usability and so on. I particularly liked the last one of these, but to my surprise this interest was not shared by people at large, especially those who used Autotools. Eventually the discussion always degenerated with them saying some variant of this:

It does not matter that Autotools is implemented as a mixture of five different scripting languages mismashed together. It works, so why replace it with something that is, at best, a tiny bit better?

One person went so far as to ask me (in public in front of a crowd) why making builds faster is even a thing to waste effort on? Said person followed this by saying he began his every working day by starting a build and going to brew some coffee. When he came back to his computer everything was ready to start programming.

It annoyed me to no end that I did not have a good reply to these people at the time. Unfortunately a thing happened last week that changed this.

The XZ malicious code injection incident.

It would be easy to jump on a bandwagon and blame Autotools for the whole issue and demand it to be banned as an unfixable security vulnerability [1] and all that. But let's not do that. Instead let's look at the issue from a slightly wider perspective.

Take any project you are working on currently. It can either be a work project or an open source one. Now think about all the various components it has. Go through them one by one in your mind. Pause at each one. Ponder them. Does any one of them immediately conjure up the following reaction in your mind:

I'm not touching that shit!

If the answer is yes then congratulations, you have found the most likely attack vector against the project. Why? Because that part that is guaranteed to have the absolute worst code reviews for the simple reason that nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole [2]. It is the very definition of someone else's problem. In the case of Autotools the problem is even worse, because there are no tools to find bugs automatically. Static analysis? No [3]! Linters? No! Even something simple like compiler warnings? Lol no! The reason they don't exist is exactly the same as above: the whole problem space is so off-putting that even the people who could do something about it prefer to work on something more meaningful instead. Badness begets more badness and apathy. The fact that it does not halt and catch fire most of the time is seen as sufficient quality.

This is even more of a problem for open source projects. Commercial projects pay people a full living salary to deal with necessary non-glamorous work like this. Volunteer based open source projects can not. A major fraction of the motivation for contributing on an open source project is to work on something that is somehow "cool", "fun" or "interesting". Debugging issues caused by incorrect M4 substitutions somewhere in the guts of a ten layer deep sed/awk/grep/Make/xargs/subshell pipeline is not that.

The reports I have read do not state whether XZ's malicious payload was submitted PR or not, but let's do a thought experiment. Assume that you are the overworked maintainer of an open source project that gets a PR that changes a bunch of M4 files with a description "fixes issue X in Y". What would you do? If you are honest with yourself, you'd probably do the same thing I'd do: merge it in while thinking "I'm just glad someone else fixed this so I don't have to touch that shit [4]".

Thus we find that aesthetics and beauty in fact play a vital role in security, because those systems make people want to work on them. They attract eyeballs. There is never a risk of getting stuck maintaining some awful piece of garbage because you touched it last so it's your responsibility now [5]. Beauty truly is the mother of security, or, as the ancient romans used to say:

Pulchritudo mater securitatis! [6]

[1] Which you still might choose to do.

[2] For a more literal example, several "undefeatable" fortresses have been taken over by attackers entering via sewage pipes.

[3] And not only because all the languages in question are dynamic.

[4] Yes, I have done this with Meson. Several times. Every maintainer of even moderately popular open source project has done the same. Trying to deny it is not productive.

[5] This is especially common in corporations with the added limitation that you are not allowed to make any major changes to avoid breaking things. If you ever find yourself in this situation, find employment elsewhere sooner rather than later. Otherwise your career has reached a dead end you can't escape.

[6] At least according to Google translate, which is good enough for our modern post-truth world.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Color management and API design

API design is hard. This is not a smashingly new revelation, but let's look at a sample issue I have been working on for CapyPDF. The main problem we are trying to solve is creating "print quality" PDFs. That is, ones that can be used to print things like books, magazines, posters and other high quality materials. A core component of this is color management, specifically the handling of ICC profiles for raster images.

There are at least four slightly conflicting design goals.

Fine-grained control

An advanced user knows and understands the PDF spec and know exactly how they want it to come out. The library should provide for this and not do, for example, unexpected color conversions behind the user's back.

Easy to use for basic cases

OTOH if your needs are simple, such as just loading images from files on disk, converting them to the output colorspace (almost certainly CMYK) with minimal fuss.


The API should be simple and readable. Even more importantly it should be understandable in the sense that when the user calls certain functions, they should be able to "know" what is going to happen and the behaviour should be the same over multiple invocations.


The API should prevent you from doing invalid things, such as using an uncalibrated RGB image in a CMYK document.

A wild real world appears!

Thus far things seem simple, but they get awfully complex. PDF is used in many different ways and all of those have their own requirements. For high quality printing specifically there is a specification called PDF/X that many printing shops use. Some might not even accept material that is not in this format. One of the requirements of PDF/X is that all raster images must be color managed. It would seem that a simple approach would be to convert all images to the output color space on load. And this is where things break down.

For you see, PDF does not have a single color managed pipeline, logically it has two. Grayscale images are "different" from full color images. A PDF generator must never convert grayscale raster images (or colors in general, but we'll focus on images now) to "color" images. Not even if the end result were "mathematically equivalent". In high quality printing that is not enough. Suppose you have a pixel whose gray value is 10. Converting that to CMYK can lead to (at least) two different values, (10, 10, 10, 0) and (0, 0, 0, 10). You'd think that the latter would always happen, but in testing LittleCMS produced the former (it also has custom gray-preserving transforms, but I did not try those). Even though these values are mathematically equivalent they (may) produce different output when printed. The latter is pure gray while the former can look muddled and if there are any registration problems the constituent colors might be visible. The RIP can not know whether the "grayscale looking color" was intentional or not. Under some circumstances it might be exactly what the creator intended, thus it can't really be post processed away. The only correct way is to keep the image in the gray color space so the RIP has maximal information to do its thing.

But this causes its own problem, because most grayscale images are not color managed. What should you do with those? Requiring color profiles would not be a nice UI, because then most images would break. For 1-bit grayscale images a color profile would not even make any sense. Not to mention that the grayscale image might not be printed at all but it instead used as an image mask for graphics composition operations (basically it would be used as the alpha channel). In that case you definitely want to use raw pixel values to obtain linear mixing. Doing gamma correction on your transparency channel could lead to some funky effects.

Things get more complicated once you realize that there are 7 variations of PDF/X that permit and prohibit different things. I tried to work out the workflow by writing a full table on color modes and output spaces and what should happen with every combination. Half way through I got a headache and had to stop.

Current status

The original plan was to make things happen automatically and try to validate the semantics of the output document as much as possible. That got simplified a whole lot. Because the state space is just so massive it might turn out that eventually CapyPDF only provides you the tools to do color conversions yourself and then writes out the result without trying to do anything fancy to it. It would then be the responsibility of the user to validate all semantic requirements.

All of this is to say that if you are currently using CapyPDF, just be aware that in the next version all APIs dealing with raster images have changed completely.

Monday, March 4, 2024

CapyPDF 0.9.0 released

I have just released CapyPDF 0.9.0. It can be obtained either via Github or PyPI.

There is no major big feature for this release. The most notable is probably the ability to create structured (or "tagged") PDF files. The code supports using both the builtin tags as well as defining your own. Feel free to try it, just know that the API is guaranteed to change.

As a visual example, here is the full Python source code for one of the unit tests.

When run it creates a tagged PDF file.  Adobe Acrobat reports that the document has the following logical structure.

As you can (hopefully) tell, structure and content are the same in both of them.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Creating tagged PDFs with CapyPDF now sort of possible

There are many open source PDF generators available. Unfortunately they all have some limitations when it comes to generating tagged PDFs

  • Cairo does not support tagged PDFs at all
  • LaTeX can create tagged PDFs, but obviously only out of LaTeX documents
  • Scribus does not support tagged PDF
  • LibreOffice does support tagged PDF generation, but its code is not available as a standalone library, it can only be used via LibreOffice
  • HexaPDF does not support tagged PDFs (though they seem to be on the roadmap), but it is implemented in Ruby so most projects can't use it
  • Firefox can print pages to PDF, but the result is not tagged, even though the PDF document structure model is almost exactly the same as in HTML

There does not seem to be a library that provides for all of this with a "plain C" API that can be used to easily generated tagged PDFs using almost any programming language.

There still isn't, but at least now CapyPDF can generate simple tagged PDF documents. A sample document can be downloaded via this link. Here is a picture showing the document structure in Acrobat Pro.

It should also work in things like screen readers and other accessibility tools, but I have not tested it.

None of this is exposed in the C API, because this has a fairly large API surface and I have not yet come up with a good way to represent it.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

CapyPDF 0.8.0 released

Version 0.8.0 of the CapyPDF library has been released. The main new feature is support for form XObjects and printer's mark annotations.

Printer's marks are things like color bars, crop marks and registration marks (also known as "bullseye marks") that high end printers need for quality control. Here is a very simple document.

An experienced print operator would use the black lines to set up paper trimming. Traditionally these marks were drawn in the page's graphics stream. This is problematic because nowadays printers prefer to use their own custom marks instead of ones created by the document author. PDF solves this issue by moving these graphics operations to separate draw contexts (specifically "form XObjects", which are not actually forms, though they are XObjects) that can then be "glued" on top of the page. These annotations are shown in PDF viewer applications but they are not printed. I have no experience with high end RIP software, but presumably the operator can choose to either print the document's annotations or replace them with their custom QA marks.

As usual, to find out what features CapyPDF has and how to use them, look up either the public C header or the Python code used in unit tests.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

C++ module tooling emulator playground

Developing tooling for C++ modules is challenging to say the least. Module implementation maturity in compilers varies, they all work slightly (well massively) differently, there are bugs and you also need a code base that uses modules. Because of these and other reasons there are maybe five people in the entire world who even think about this issue. This is bad, because it is supposed to be future foundational technology. It would benefit from more eyes.

Something ought to be done about this. So I did.

I created a fake "module only" C++ compiler, a fake linker, a fake module scanner and fake project generator. The compiler does not produce any code. It only does three things:

  1. Reads export statements from sources and writes corresponding fake module files
  2. Reads import statements from source files.
  3. Validates that all module files a source file imports exist on disk at the time of invocation
This did not take much effort. In fact the whole project is approximately 300 lines of Python and can be obtained from this repository.

With this it is possible for anyone interested to try to come up with a module building scheme that does not require generating O(N²) command line arguments on the fly. The current scanner implementation is taken almost directly from Meson and it works one build target at a time as opposed to a single source file at a time. With this approach the overhead of scanning is one process invocation per build target. A per-source approach would take two processes per source scanning: one for invoking the compiler to generate the standard JSON-format dependency file and another for converting that to the dyndep format that Ninja understands.

The setup assumes that the compiler supports a "write module files to this directory" command line argument. It is mandatory to avoid generating compiler arguments dynamically.

Or maybe it isn't and there is a way to make it work in some other way. At least now the tooling is available so anyone reading this can try to solve this problem.