In an earlier blog post I wrote about a potential way of speeding up C++ compilations (or any language that has a big up-front cost). The basic idea is to have a process that reads in all stdlib header code that is suspended. Compilations are done by sending the actual source file + flags to this process, which then forks and resumes compilation. Basically this is a way to persist the state of the compiler without writing (or executing) a single line of serialization code.
The obvious follow up question is what is the speedup of this scheme. That is difficult to say without actually implementing the system. There are way too many variables and uncertainties to make any sort of reasonable estimate.
So I implemented it.
Not in an actual compiler, heavens no, I don't have the chops for that. Instead I implemented a completely fake compiler that does the same steps a real compiler would need to take. It spawns the daemon process. It creates a Unix domain socket. It communicates with the running daemon. It produces output files. The main difference is that it does not actually do any compilation, instead it just sleeps to simulate work. Since all sleep durations are parameters, it is easy to test the "real" effect of various schemes.
The code is in this GH repo.
The default durations were handwavy estimates based on past experience. In past measurements, stdlib includes take by far the largest chunk of the total compilation time. Thus I estimated that compilation without this scheme would take 5 seconds per file whereas compilations with it would take 1 second. If you disagree with these assumptions, feel free to run the test yourself with your own time estimates.
The end result was that on this laptop that has 22 cores a project with 100 source files took 26 seconds to compile without the daemon and 7 seconds with it. This means the daemon version finished in just a hair over 25% of a "regular" build.
Wouldn't you want your compilations to finish in a quarter of the time with zero code changes? I sure would.
(In reality the speedup is probably less than that. How much? No idea. Someone's got to implement that to find out.)