Thursday, February 27, 2025

The price of statelessness is eternal waiting

Most CI systems I have seen have been stateless. That is, they start by getting a fresh Docker container (or building one from scratch), doing a Git checkout, building the thing and then throwing everything away. This is simple and matematically pure, but really slow. This approach is further driven by the way how in cloud computing CPU time and network transfers are cheap but storage is expensive (or at least it is possible to get almost infinite CI build time for open source projects but not persistent storage). Probably because the cloud vendor needs to take care of things like backups, they can't dispatch the task on any machine on the planet but instead on the one that already has the required state and so on.

How much could you reduce resource usage (or, if you prefer, improve CI build speed) by giving up on statelessness? Let's find out by running some tests. To get a reasonably large code base I used LLVM. I did not actually use any cloud or Docker in the tests, but I simulated them on a local media PC. I used 16 cores to compile and 4 to link (any more would saturate the disk). Tests were not run.


Creating a Docker container with all the build deps takes a few minutes. Alternatively you can prebuild it, but then you need to download a 1 GB image.

Doing a full Git checkout would be wasteful. There are basically three different ways of doing a partial checkout: shallow clone, blobless and treeless. They take the following amount of time and space:

  • shallow: 1m, 259 MB
  • blobless: 2m 20s, 961 MB
  • treeless: 1m 46s, 473 MB
Doing a full build from scratch takes 42 minutes.

With CCache

Using CCache in Docker is mostly a question of bind mounting a persistent directory in the container's cache directory. A from-scratch build with an up to date CCache takes 9m 30s.

With stashed Git repo

Just like the CCache dir, the Git checkout can also be persisted outside the container. Doing a git pull on an existing full checkout takes only a few seconds. You can even mount the repo dir read only to ensure that no state leaks from one build invocation to another.

With Danger Zone

One main thing a CI build ensures is that the code keeps on building when compiled from scratch. It is quite possible to have a bug in your build setup that manifests itself so that the build succeeds if a build directory has already been set up, but fails if you try to set it up from scratch. This was especially common back in ye olden times when people used to both write Makefiles by hand and to think that doing so was a good idea.

Nowadays build systems are much more reliable and this is not such a common issue (though it can definitely still occur). So what if you would be willing to give up full from-scratch checks on merge requests? You could, for example, still have a daily build that validates that use case. For some organizations this would not be acceptable, but for others it might be reasonable tradeoff. After all, why should a CI build take noticeably longer than an incremental build on the developer's own machine. If anything it should be faster, since servers are a lot beefier than developer laptops. So let's try it.

The implementation for this is the same as for CCache, you just persist the build directory as well. To run the build you do a Git update, mount the repo, build dir and optionally CCache dirs to the container and go.

I tested this by doing a git pull on the repo and then doing a rebuild. There were a couple of new commits, so this should be representative of the real world workloads. An incremental build took 8m 30s whereas a from scratch rebuild using a fully up to date cache took 10m 30s.


The amount of wall clock time used for the three main approaches were:

  • Fully stateless
    • Image building: 2m
    • Git checkout: 1m
    • Build: 42m
    • Total: 45m
  • Cached from-scratch
    • Image building: 0m (assuming it is not "apt-get update"d for every build)
    • Git checkout: 0m
    • Build: 10m 30s
    • Total: 10m 30s
  • Fully cached
    • Image building: 0m
    • Git checkout: 0m
    • Build: 8m 30s
    • Total: 8m 30s
Similarly the amount of data transferred was:

  • Fully stateless
    • Image: 1G
    • Checkout: 300 MB
  • Cached from-scratch:
    • Image: 0
    • Checkout: O(changes since last pull), typically a few kB
  • Fully cached
    • Image: 0
    • Checkout: O(changes since last pull)
The differences are quite clear. Just by using CCache the build time drops by almost 80%. Persisting the build dir reduces the time by a further 15%. It turns out that having machines dedicated to a specific task can be a lot more efficient than rebuilding the universe from atoms every time. Fancy that.

The final 2 minute improvement might not seem like that much, but on the other hand do you really want your developers to spend 2 minutes twiddling their thumbs for every merge request they create or update? I sure don't. Waiting for CI to finish is one of the most annoying things in software development.

Monday, February 10, 2025

C++ compiler daemon testing tool

In an earlier blog post I wrote about a potential way of speeding up C++ compilations (or any language that has a big up-front cost). The basic idea is to have a process that reads in all stdlib header code that is suspended. Compilations are done by sending the actual source file + flags to this process, which then forks and resumes compilation. Basically this is a way to persist the state of the compiler without writing (or executing) a single line of serialization code.

The obvious follow up question is what is the speedup of this scheme. That is difficult to say without actually implementing the system. There are way too many variables and uncertainties to make any sort of reasonable estimate.

So I implemented it. 

Not in an actual compiler, heavens no, I don't have the chops for that. Instead I implemented a completely fake compiler that does the same steps a real compiler would need to take. It spawns the daemon process. It creates a Unix domain socket. It communicates with the running daemon. It produces output files. The main difference is that it does not actually do any compilation, instead it just sleeps to simulate work. Since all sleep durations are parameters, it is easy to test the "real" effect of various schemes.

The code is in this GH repo.

The default durations were handwavy estimates based on past experience. In past measurements, stdlib includes take by far the largest chunk of the total compilation time. Thus I estimated that compilation without this scheme would take 5 seconds per file whereas compilations with it would take 1 second. If you disagree with these assumptions, feel free to run the test yourself with your own time estimates.

The end result was that on this laptop that has 22 cores a project with 100 source files took 26 seconds to compile without the daemon and 7 seconds with it. This means the daemon version finished in just a hair over 25% of a "regular" build.

Wouldn't you want your compilations to finish in a quarter of the time with zero code changes? I sure would.

(In reality the speedup is probably less than that. How much? No idea. Someone's got to implement that to find out.)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The trials and tribulations of supporting CJK text in PDF

In the past I may have spoken critically on Truetype fonts and their usage in PDF files. Recently I have come to the conclusion that it may have been too harsh and that Truetype fonts are actually somewhat nice. Why? Because I have had to add support for CFF fonts to CapyPDF. This is a font format that comes from Adobe. It encodes textual PostScript drawing operations into binary bytecode. Wikipedia does not give dates, but it seems to have been developed in the late 80s - early 90s. The name CFF is an abbeviation for "complicated font format".

Double-checks notes.

Compact font format. Yes, that is what I meant to write. Most people reading this have probably not ever even seen a CFF file so you might be asking why is supporting CFF fonts even a thing nowadays? It's all quite simple. Many of the Truetype (and especially OpenType) fonts you see are not actually Truetype fonts. Instead they are Transfontners, glyphs in disguise. It is entirely valid to have a Truetype font that is merely an envelope holding a CFF font. As an example the Noto CJK fonts are like this. Aggregation of different formats is common in font files, and the main reason OpenType fonts have like four different and mutually incompatible ways of specifying color emoji. None of the participating entities were willing to accept anyone else's format so the end result was to add all of them. If you want Asian language support, you have to dive into the bowels of the CFF rabid hole.

As most people probably do not have sufficient historical perspective, let's start by listing out some major computer science achievements that definitely existed when CFF was being designed.

  • File format magic numbers
  • Archive formats that specify both the offset and size of the elements within
  • Archive formats that afford access to their data in O(number of items in the archive) rather than O(number of bytes in the file)
  • Data compression
CFF chooses to not do any of this nonsense. It also does not believe in consistent offset types. Sometimes the offsets within data objects refer to other objects by their order in the index they are in. Sometimes they refer to number of bytes from the beginning of the file. Sometimes they refer to number of bytes from the beginning of the object the offset data is written in. Sometimes it refers to something else. One of the downsides of this is that while some of the data is neatly organized into index structures with specified offsets, a lot of it is just free floating in the file and needs the equivalent of three pointer dereferences to access.

Said offsets are stored with a variable width encoding like so:

This makes writing subset CFF font files a pain. In order to write an offset value at some location X, you first must serialize everything up to that point to know where the value would be written. To know the value to write you have to serialize the the entire font up to the point where that data is stored. Typically the data comes later in the file than its offset location. You know what that means? Yes, storing all these index locations and hotpatching them afterwards once you find out where the actual data pointed to ended up in. Be sure to compute your patching locations correctly lest you end up in lengthy debugging sessions where your subset font files do not render correctly. In fairness all of the incorrect writes were within the data array and thus 100% memory safe, and, really, isn't that the only thing that actually matters?

One of the main data structures in a CFF file is a font dictionary stored in, as the docs say, "key-value pairs". This is not true. The "key-value dictionary" is neither key-value nor is it a dictionary. The entries must come in a specific order (sometimes) so it is not a dictionary. The entries are not stored as key-value pairs but as value-key pairs. The more accurate description of "value-key somewhat ordered array" does lack some punch so it is understandable that they went with common terminology. The backwards ordering of elements to some people confusion bring might, but it perfect sense makes, as the designers of the format a long history with PostScript had. Unknown is whether some of them German were.

Anyhow, after staring directly into the morass of madness for a sufficient amount of time the following picture emerges.

Final words

The CFF specification document contains data needed to decipher CFF data streams in nice tabular format, which is easy to convert to an enum. Trying it fails with an error message saying that the file has prohibited copypasting. This is a bit rich coming from Adobe, whose current stance seems to be that they can take any document opened with their apps and use it for AI training. I'd like to conclude this blog post by sending the following message to the (assumed) middle manager who made the decision that publicly available specification documents should prohibit copypasting: