Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Is your project a unique snowflake or do you just think that it is?

If there is a national sport for programmers, it is reinventing existing things from scratch. This seems to be especially common inside corporations that tend to roll their own rather than, for example, using an existing open source library. If you try to ask around why this has been done, you typically get some variation of this:
We can't use off-the-shelf solutions because we have unique needs and requirements that no-one else has.

Now, there genuinely are cases where this is true, but it mostly happens only in very spesialised cases, such as when you are google-scale, do space engineering or something similar. There might also be legal or regulatory reasons that you must own all code in a product. Most projects are not like this. In fact almost always someone (typically hundreds of someones) has had the exact same problem and solved it. Yet people seem to keep reinventing the wheel for no real purpose. If you ever find yourself in a debate on why people should use existing solutions rather than roll your own, here are some talking points to consider.

How have you established that your needs are actually unique?

Very often when someone says "the needs for <project X> are unique" what they are actually saying is "this needs a feature I have never personally encountered before". This is not due to malice, it is just how human beings seem to behave. If one has a rough idea of how to solve a problem by coding it from scratch but no knowledge of an existing solution, people tend to go with the former rather than spend time on researching the problem. I don't know why. This is especially true if there is external pressure on "getting something going fast".

I know this, because I have actually done it myself. Ages ago I was working on some Java code and needed to communicate with a different process. I was starting to write a custom socket protocol when my coworker asked why am I not simply using regular HTTP with Jetty. The answer, to the surprise of absolutely no-one, is that I had never heard of it. This single sentence saved days of implementation work and probably the same amount in ongoing maintenance and debugging work.

We need more performance than existing solutions can provide

This splits nicely into two parts. In the first one you actually need the performance. This is rare, but it happens. Even so, you might consider optimizing the existing solution first. If you are successfull, submit the changes upstream. This way they benefit everyone and reduce the ongoing maintenance burden to roughly zero.

The other case is that all the performance you think you need, you don't actually need. This is surprisingly common. It turns out that modern computers and libraries are so fast that even "reasonably ok" is performant enough most of the time for most problems [0]. As an example I was working on a product that chose to roll its own functionality X rather than using the standard solution in Linux because it needed to do "thousands of operations per second". These operations were only done in response to human interaction, so there was no way it could generate more than 10 or so events per second. But still. Must have performance, so multiple months of hand-rolling it was.

To add insult to injury, I did some measurements and it turned out that the existing solution could do one thousand operations per second without even needing to go to C. The Python bindings were fast enough.

We need the ability to change the implementation at will

One major downside of using an existing open source solution is that you have to give up some control. Changes must be submitted to people outside your immediate control. They might say no and you can't override them with office politics. In-house code does not have this problem.

This control comes with a significant downside. What fairly often happens is that some developers write and maintain the new functionality and everything is rosy. Then time happens and the original coders switch teams and jobs, become managers and so on. They take the knowledge required to change the system with them. Unless your company has a very strong culture of transferring this knowledge, and most companies most definitely don't, the code will bitrot, fossilize and become a massive clump of legacy that must not be touched because there is no documentation, no tests and nobody really understands it any more.

So even if the corporation has the possibility to change the code at will they lack the ability to do so.

Sometimes people just plain lie

There are two main reasons that explain pretty much everything what people do, say and recommend:
  1. The reason they give to others
  2. The real reason
Even for "purely technical" decisions like these, the two can be drastically different. Suppose some developer has done several similar "boring" projects. Then when the time comes to choose the approach for the new project. If they choose an existing system, they know that the next project will be just like the preceding five. If, on the other hand, some new tech is chosen, then the entire task becomes more meaningful and exciting. In this case the stated reason is technical fitness, but the real reason is frustration. Another way of stating this is that when asked "should we use library X or write our own from scratch" the answer the coder would want to give is "I don't want to work on that project". 

This is not something that people won't say out loud because it gets you easily labeled as a "prima-donna", "work avoider" or "elitist". Many people will also have trouble saying it because it comes from a "bad" emotional response. All of this leads to shame and people are willing to go to great lengths to avoid feeling ashamed.

The same reasoning applies to other "impure" emotions such as infatuation ("OMG this new tech is so cool"), disgust ("using tech X means I have to work with Bob from department X"), infidelity ("either you give me this or I'm accepting the job offer from a competitor"), megalomania ("creating this new framework will make me a superstar celebrity coder") and the ever-popular self-disappointment ("I got into programming because I wanted to create new things like an architect, but ended up as a code janitor").

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