Sunday, July 16, 2023

PDF transparency groups and composition

The PDF specification has the following image as an example of how to do transparent graphics composition.

This seems simple but actually requires quite a lot of functionality:

  • Specifying CMYK gradients
  • Setting the blend mode for paint operations
  • Specifying transparency group xobjects
  • Specifying layer composition parameters
I had to implement a bunch of new functionality to get this working, but here is the same image reproduced with CapyPDF. (output PDF here)

The only difference here is that out of laziness I used a simple two color linear gradient rather than a rainbow one.


This is again one of those features that only Acrobat Reader can handle. I tried Okular, Ghostscript, Firefox, Chromium and Apple Preview and they all rendered the file incorrectly. There was no consistency, each one was broken in a different way.


  1. With all your findings regarding broken display in several PDF viewers, did you receive any feedback yet that anyone want to fix their respective libraries?

    1. No. Though to be honest I have not really filed that many bugs upstream.
