Monday, December 28, 2020

Some things a potential Git replacement probably needs to provide

Recently there has been renewed interest in revision control systems. This is great as improvements to tools are always welcome. Git is, sadly, extremely entrenched and trying to replace will be an uphill battle. This is not due to technical but social issues. What this means is that approaches like "basically Git, but with a mathematically proven model for X" are not going to fly. While having this extra feature is great in theory, in practice is it not sufficient. The sheer amount of work needed to switch a revision control system and the ongoing burden of using a niche, nonstandard system is just too much. People will keep using their existing system.

What would it take, then, to create a system that is compelling enough to make the change? In cases like these you typically need a "big design thing" that makes the new system 10× better in some way and which the old system can not do. Alternatively the new system needs to have many small things that are better but then the total improvement needs to be something like 20× because the human brain perceives things nonlinearly. I have no idea what this "major feature" would be, but below is a list of random things that a potential replacement system should probably handle.

Better server integration

One of Git's design principles was that everyone should have all the history all the time so that every checkout is fully independent. This is a good feature to have and one that should be supported by any replacement system. However it is not revision control systems are commonly used. 99% of the time developers are working on some sort of a centralised server, be it Gitlab, Github or the a corporation's internal revision control server. The user interface should be designed so that this common case is as smooth as possible.

As an example let's look at keeping a feature branch up to date. In Git you have to rebase your branch and then force push it. If your branch had any changes you don't have in your current checkout (because they were done on a different OS, for example), they are now gone. In practice you can't have more than one person working on a feature branch because of this (unless you use merges, which you should not do). This should be more reliable. The system should store, somehow, that a rebase has happened and offer to fix out-of-date checkouts automatically. Once the feature branch gets to trunk, it is ok to throw this information away. But not before that.

Another thing one could do is that repository maintainers could mandate things like "pull requests must not contain merges from trunk to the feature branch" and the system would then automatically prohibit these. Telling people to remove merges from their pull requests and to use rebase instead is something I have to do over and over again. It would be nice to be able to prohibit the creation of said merges rather than manually detecting and fixing things afterwards.

Keep rebasing as a first class feature

One of the reasons Git won was that it embraced rebasing. Competing systems like Bzr and Mercurial did not and advocated merges instead. It turns out that people really want their linear history and that rebasing is a great way to achieve that. It also helps code review as fixes can be done in the original commits rather than new commits afterwards. The counterargument to this is that rebasing loses history. This is true, but on the other hand is also means that your commit history gets littered with messages like "Some more typo fixes #3, lol." In practice people seem to strongly prefer the former to the latter.

Make it scalable

Git does not scale. The fact that Git-LFS exists is proof enough. Git only scales in the original, narrow design spec of "must be scalable for a process that only deals in plain text source files where the main collaboration method is sending patches over email" and even then it does not do it particularly well. If you try to do anything else, Git just falls over. This is one of the main reasons why game developers and the like use other revision control systems. The final art assets for a single level in a modern game can be many, many times bigger than the entire development history of the Linux kernel.

A replacement system should handle huge repos like these effortlessly. By default a checkout should only download those files that are needed, not the entire development history. If you need to do something like bisection, then files missing from your local cache (and only those) should be downloaded transparently during checkout operations. There should be a command to download the entire history, of course, but it should not be done by default.

Further, it should be possible to do only partial checkouts. People working on low level code should be able to get just their bits and not have to download hundreds of gigs of textures and videos they don't need to do their work.

Support file locking

This is the one feature all coders hate: the ability to lock a file in trunk so that no-one else can edit it. It is disruptive, annoying and just plain wrong. It is also necessary. Practice has shown that artists at large either can not or will not use revision control systems. There are many studios where the revision control system for artists is a shared network drive, with file names like character_model_v3_final_realfinal_approved.mdl. It "works for them" and trying to mandate a more process heavy revision control system can easily lead to an open revolt.

Converting these people means providing them with a better work flow. Something like this:
  1. They open their proprietary tool, be it Photoshop, Final Cut Pro or whatever.
  2. Click on GUI item to open a new resource.
  3. A window pops up where they can browse the files directly from the server as if they were local.
  4. They open a file.
  5. They edit it.
  6. They save it. Changes go directly in trunk.
  7. They close the file.
There might be a review step as well, but it should be automatic. Merge requests should be filed and kept up to date without the need to create a branch or to even know that such a thing exists. Anything else will not work. Specifically doing any sort of conflict resolution does not work, even if it were the "right" thing to do. The only way around this (that we know of) is to provide file locking. Obviously this should only be limitable to binary files.

Provide all functionality via a C API

The above means that you need to be able to deeply integrate the revision control system with existing artist tools. This means plugins written in native code using a stable plain C API. The system can still be implemented in whatever SuperDuperLanguage you want, but its one true entry point must be a C API. It should be full-featured enough that the official command line client should be implementable using only functions in the public C API.

Provide transparent Git support

Even if a project would want to move to something else, the sad truth is that for the time being the majority of contributors only know Git. They don't want to learn a whole new tool just to contribute to the project. Thus the server should serve its data in two different formats: once in its native format and once as a regular Git endpoint. Anyone with a Git client should be able to check out the code and not even know that the actual backend is not Git. They should be able to even submit merge requests, though they might need to jump through some minor hoops for that. This allows you to do incremental upgrades, which is the only feasible way to get changes like these done.

Friday, November 27, 2020

How Apple might completely take over end users' computers

Many people are concerned about Apple's ongoing attempts to take more and more control of end user machines from their users. Some go so far as to say that Apple won't be happy until they have absolute and total control over all programs running on end user devices, presumably so that they can enforce their 30% tax on every piece of software. Whether this is true or not we don't really know.

What we can do instead is a thought experiment. If that was their end goal, how would they achieve it? What steps would they take to obtain this absolute control? Let's speculate.

Web apps

A common plan against tightening app store requirements is to provide a web app instead. You can do a lot of cool things with WebAssembly and its state is continuously improving. Thus it must be blocked. This is trivial: require that web browsers may only run WASM programs that are notarized by Apple. This is an easy change to sell, all it needs is a single tear jerking please-think-of-the-children presentation about the horrible dangers of online predators, Bitcoin miners and the like. Notarization adds security and who wouldn't want to have more of that?

There is stilll the problem that you can run an alternative browser like Chrome or Firefox. This can be solved simply by adding a requirement that third party browsers can only get notarized if they block all non-notarized web apps. On iOS this is of course already handled by mandating that all browsers must use the system's browser engine. At some point this might get brought over to macOS as well. For security.


Blocking WASM still leaves the problem of Javascript. There is a lot of it and even Apple can not completely block non-notarized JS from running. Here you have to run the long game. An important step is, surprisingly, to drive the adoption of WebAssembly. There are many ways of doing this, the simplest is to stop adding any new JS functionality and APIs that can instead be done in WebAssembly. This forces app developers to either drop Apple support or switch to WASM. This transition can be boosted by stopping all development and maintenance on the existing JS engine and letting it bitrot. Old web pages will get worse and worse over time and since Apple won't fix their browser, site operators will be forced to upgrade to technologies like WASM that come with mandatory notarization. For security.

Scripting languages

Scripting languages such as Perl and Python can be used to run arbitrary programs so they must go. First they are removed from the core install so people have to download and install them separately. That is only an inconvenience, though. To achieve total control notarization requirements must again be updated. Any program that loads "external code" must add a check that the code it is running is notarized by Apple. At first you will of course allow locally written script files to be run, as long as you first hunt through system security settings to add run permissions to the script file. This must be done with physical human interaction like a mouse or touchpad. It must not be automatable to prevent exploits. The obtained permissions are of course revoked every time the file is edited. For security.


There is still a major hole in this scheme: native compilers. It might be tedious, but it is possible to compile even something as big as Firefox from scratch and run the result. Therefore this must be blocked, and notarization is again the key. This can be done by requiring all binaries, even self-built ones, to be notarized. This is again easy to sell, because it blocks a certain class malware injection attacks. Following iOS's lead you have to get a developer certificate from Apple to sign your own code to run on your own machine.

Once the basic scheme is in place you have to tighten security and block the signing from any compiler except the Apple provided system one. This has to be done for security, because existing third party compilers may have bugs and features that could be used to circumvent notarization requirements somehow. Only Apple can get this right as the system provider. There must be one, and only one, way of going from source code to executable binaries and that path must be fully controlled by Apple. For security.

Total separation of development and use

Even with all this you can still compile and run your own code, meaning people will find ways of getting around these requirements and doing what they want to do rather than what Apple permits them to do. This means that even tighter reins are required. The logical end result is to split the macOS platform into two separate entities. The first one is the "end user" system that can only run Apple-notarized apps and nothing else. The second is the "dev platform" that runs only XCode, Safari (in some sort of a restricted mode) and one other program that has to have been fully compiled on the current physical machine. Remote compilation servers are forbidden as they are a security risk. This is roughly how iOS development and things like game console dev kits already work. The precedent is there, waiting for the final logical step to be taken.

This has the side effect that every developer who wants to support Apple platforms now has to buy two different Apple laptops, one for development and one for testing. But let us be absolutely clear about one thing. This is not done to increase sales and thus profits. No. Not under any circumstances! It is for a higher purpose: for security.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Adding (very) preliminary support for C++ modules in Meson

One of the most common questions people ask about Meson is why does it not yet have support for building C++ modules. Up until now the answer has been simple: no compiler really supports it yet. However Visual Studio has added sufficient functionality in their latest 2019 developer preview that an implementation in Meson has become feasible. The actual code can be found in this merge request for those brave enough to try it out.

The basic problem with C++ modules is the same as with Fortran modules: you can no longer build source files in an arbitrary order. Instead you have to scan the contents of files, see what modules each source file generates and consumes and orchestrate the build so that all source files that produce modules are built before any source files that consume them. This requires dynamic dependency generation that has been added to Ninja only fairly recently.

The original idea was that compiler toolchain vendors would provide scanner binaries because parsing C++ code is highly unreliable due to C preprocessor macro shenanigans. It turns out that a "toolchain provided" dependency scanner can not obtain all necessary data reliably, because it requires higher level knowledge about the project setup. This can only be done reliably by the build system. An alternative would be to pass all this information to the compiler/scanner via compiler flags but that turns out to be a terrible thing to define and maintain stable over changes. It also has the downside that you'd need to spawn a single process for every file, which is fairly slow on Windows. Meson's approach is to write a custom dependency scanner. Yes, it is based on regexes, so it is not 100% reliable but on the other hand you only need to spawn one process per build target (exe, shared lib, static lib) as opposed to one per source file.

Still, the end result does work for simple projects. It does not handle things like module partitions but those can be added later. Even this simple project and test has brought about several notes and questions:

  • Where should the generated module files be put? In the target private dir? In a global dir? If the latter, what happens if two unrelated parts in the code base specify the same module?
  • Microsoft has not documented the module compiler flags and cl /? does not even list them. Because of this all module files get dumped to the build directory root.
  • Only ixx files are supported. VS does not enforce file name extensions. I would really want to enforce module file name extensions to only one. We can't change change legacy code and force everyone to use a single extension for C++ source, but we totally should do that for new ones. Having to support many file name extensions for the same thing is madness.
Sadly I don't have any numbers on how much modules improve compilation speed. Feel free to try it out yourself, though. Bug reports and especially fixes are welcome.

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Nine Phases of an Open Source Project Maintainer

There is more to running an open source project than writing code. In fact most of all work has to do with something else. This places additional requirements to project maintainers that are often not talked about. In this post we'll briefly go over nine distinct phases each with a different hat one might have to wear. These can be split into two stages based on the lifetime and popularity of the project.

Stage One: The Project Is Mostly for Yourself

Almost all projects start either with just one person or a small team of just a few people. At the start doing things is easy. Breaking changes can be made on a whim. Programming languages and frameworks can be changed. It is even possible to pivot to something completely different without a care in the world. As there are only a few stakeholders and they typically have similar ideologies and thus it is easy to get consensus. It is even possible to ignore consensus altogether and "just do it".

Phase One: The Inventor

Everything starts with an idea: how something could be done differently or in a more efficient way. This is the part that tends to get fetishised by journalists and even some inventors themselves. The typical narrative explains how a single genius managed to create a revolutionary new thing all on their own in a basement somewhere. The reality is not quite as glamorous, as almost all ideas are ones that many, many other people have already come up with. Some people go as far as to say that ideas are worthless, only execution matters. This is a bit extreme but nevertheless coming up with ideas is an important skill.

Phase Two: The MVP Implementer

Once an idea is chosen, some sort of a prototype needs to be written. This is the most fun part of coding. There are vast green fields where you can do whatever, design the architecture as you want and get to solve interesting problems that form the core of the eventual proudct. This phase is the main reason why people become programmers. Getting to create something completely new is a joyful experience. Still, not everything is wine and roses, as it is important to focus enough to get the first version finished rather than going off on all sorts of tangents and eventually losing interest.

Phase Three: The Ditch Digger

Once the first version exists and is found usable, the next step is to make it production ready. This is where the nature of project work takes a very sharp turn. Whereas the previous stage could be described as fun, this phase is tedious. It consists of making the end product reliable and smooth in the face of real world input and usage. This typically exposes bugs and design flaws in the original implementation that need to be fixed or rewritten. It is easy to get discouraged in this phase because the outcome of days of coding might be "the same as before, but also handles this one rare corner case".

The work profile is similar to digging a ditch with a shovel. It's dirty, heavy and taxing work and there are not that many rewards to be had. After all, a half dug ditch is about as useless as a completely undigged ditch. It's only when you reach the end and water starts flowing that you get any benefits. The difference between physical ditches and sotware is that there is no reliable way of estimating how much more you still have to dig. This is a very risky phase of any project as it carries the potential for burnout.

Phase Four: The Documentation Writer

Every new project needs documentation, but some projects need it more than others. Programmers are typically not very eager to write documentation or to keep it up to date. Telling users to "read the source" to find out how to do things is not enough, because people don't want to have to learn about implementation details of your project, they just want to use it. Sometimes it is possible to get other people to write documentation, but usually that only happens after the project has "made it big".

One way of looking at documentation is that it is a competitive advantage. If there are multiple competing projects for the same thing and one of them has better documentation, it has a higher chance of winning (all other things being equal). Writing end user documentation requires a completely different approach and skill set than writing code. This is especially true for things like tutorials as opposed to reference documentation.

Phase Five: The Marketer

Build a better mousetrap and the world will ignore you, tell you that their mouse trap situation is perfectly fine thankyouverymuch and why don't you get a real job rather than wasting your time on this whateveritis, as it will never work. If you want to make them change their mind, you need marketing. Lots of it.

There are many different ways of making your project more known: writing blog posts, presenting at conferences, general online advocacy and so on. This requires, again, a new set of skills, such as talking to a large group of people in public. This is especially true for programmers who are mostly introverted, but sadly the meek don't inherit the earth. It tends to go to those who can make the most noise about their solution.

Stage Two: The Project Is Mostly for Other People

As the project becomes bigger and more used, eventually another tipping point is reached. Here the program is no longer catering to the needs of the original creator but to the community at large. The rate of change reduces dramatically. Breaking changes can no longer be made at a quick pace or possibly at all. It is also possible that the landscape has changed and the project is now being used in a different way or for different ends than was originally planned. All of this means that the project runner needs to spend more and more time solving issues that does not directly benefit themselves. This may cause friction if, for example, the project leader works for a company that has other priorities and does not want the person to spend time on things that don't benefit them directly.

Phase Six: The Recruiter

A project that does not keep refreshing and growing its developer base is a dead one. Typically a project needs to have a sizable chunk of users before other people start contributing to it in a major way. Sometimes people become involved voluntarily, but it's even better if you can somehow actively encourage them to contribute. That is only part of the story, though, since they need to be trained and taught the processes and so on. Paradoxically getting new contributors slows down development at first, but eventually makes things faster as the workload can be split among multiple people.

Phase Seven: The Culture Cultivator

Every project has its own set of unspoken guidelines. These get established quite early on and include things like requiring tests for every new feature, not using coding patterns X, Y or Z but use H, J and K instead and so on. People are generally quite good at detecting these and doing the same thing as everyone else. As the pool of contributors grows, this becomes less and less common. Contributions tend to become more lax. This is not due to malice, but simply because people are not aware of the requirements.

It is very easy to slip on these requirements little by little. It is the job of the project leader to make sure this does not happen. This requires both leading by example and also by noting out these issues in code review and other discussions. 

Phase Eight: The Overseer

This phase begins when the project maintainer realizes that they are no longer the person who knows most about the code base. Other people have done most of the coding work for so long that they are the actual experts on it. This causes yet another change in the type of work one needs to do. Up until now the work has been about solving problems and making decisions on things you are intimately familiar with. As an overseer you need to make decisions on things you don't really know about. Earlier decisions were based on code and implementation details, but now decisions are based mostly on what other people say in their merge requests and design discussions.

This is something nobody really prepares you for. Making big decisions based on imperfect information can be really difficult for someone who has gotten used to going through every detail. Once a project gets over a certain size this is just not possible as the human brain is incapable of holding that many details in active memory at the same time. Even if it could, having a single person review everything would be a huge bottleneck. It is (more than) a full time job, and getting someone to pay for a full time maintainer review job is very rare.

Finally, even if this were possible, reviewing is a very tiring job that very few people can keep on doing as their only task for very long. Eventually the mind will start screaming for something else, even for a while. Finally even if someone could do that, contributors would eventually get very annoyed by getting micromanaged to death and just leave.

Phase Nine: The Emeritus

All good things eventually come to an end and so will open source project maintainership. Eventually the project will either become irrelevant or the torch will be passed to someone else. This is, in a way, the greatest thing a project maintainer could hope for: being able to create a new entity that will keep on being used even after you have stopped working on it.

Open source maintainership is a relatively young field and most projects at the end of their life cycle either become unmaintained zombies or get replaced by a new project written from scratch. Ee don't have that much experience on what emerituses do. Based on other fields these may range from "nothing" to doing conference talks, advising current maintainers on thorny issues.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Proposal for target-private directories for compilers

One of the greatest strengths of the classical C compiler model is that all compile jobs are fully isolated. This means that they can be run perfectly in parallel. This same feature is also one of its greatest weaknesses. There are no ways for individual compile jobs to communicate with each other even if they wanted to. This could be useful for things like caching. As an example a compiler might transparently create "precompiled headers" of sorts during one compilation and use them in other compilations if needed. This might also be useful for languages that require scanning steps before building such as Fortran and C++ using modules.

This is not idle speculation. Clang's thinLTO does use caching to speed up incremental builds. Since there is no existing standard for this, they did the usual thing and created a new compiler flag for specifying the location of the cache directory. Or, to be precise, they created four of them:

  • gold (as of LLVM 4.0): -Wl,-plugin-opt,cache-dir=/path/to/cache
  • ld64 (support in clang 3.9 and Xcode 8): -Wl,-cache_path_lto,/path/to/cache
  • ELF lld (as of LLVM 5.0): -Wl,--thinlto-cache-dir=/path/to/cache
  • COFF lld-link (as of LLVM 6.0): /lldltocache:/path/to/cache

For one option this is tedious but for many it becomes completely unworkable. Clearly something better is needed.

The basic idea: each build target gets its own private directory

Basically what one should be able to do is this:

gcc -c -o foo/bar.o bar.c -fprivate-dir=some_path

The private directory would have the following properties:

  • The build system guarantees that it is set to the same value for all compilations of a single target (executable, shared library, static library, etc)
  • Every build target gets its own unique private directory
  • The contents of the directory may persist over successive invocations (i.e. its contents may be deleted at any time, but most of the time won't be)
  • The compiler can create anything it wants in the private dir but should also tolerate other usages (typically you'd also want to put the target's object files in this dir)
  • The contents of the private dir are transitory, they have no backwards or forwards compatibility guarantees. Any compiler update would invalidate all files.
If, for example, compilers wanted to create pipes or Unix domain sockets in the private dir for communicating between compiler instances, they could do that behind the scenes.

Work needed for tooling

Meson and CMake already to pretty much exactly this as they store object files in special directories. I don't know enough about Autotools to know how much work it would be, though it does have the concept of higher level build targts. Handwritten Makefiles would need to be tweaked by hand as with every change. Visual Studio solutions are already split up to per-target project files so adding new flags there should be fairly simple.

The best part is that this change would be fully backwards compatible. If the private dir argument is not used, the compilers would behave in exactly the same way they do now.

Monday, November 2, 2020

You wanted Boost via Meson subprojects? You got it! (sorta)

In the previous blog post we saw a way to build SDL transparently as a Meson subproject. In the discussion that followed I got a question on whether you could consume Boost in the same way. This is an interesting question, because Boost is a, let's say, challenging dependency. It is very big and set up in an unusual way. As an example I would estimate that the single fact that they don't ship Pkg-Config files has cost Meson developers tens of hours of unnecessary troubleshooting. Having something simpler and more reliable would be welcome.

To test this out I created an MVP program that uses Boost's flat map from the container library and then added dependencies until it worked. The actual code can be downloaded here (tested on Linux, VS and Mac). The main program's basic build definition is as simple as the SDL program's was:

boost_container_dep = dependency('boost-container')
executable('boosttest', 'boosttest.cpp',
           dependencies: [boost_container_dep])

The Boost container dep is specified in the container library's build file:

boost_container_dep = declare_dependency(
  include_directories: 'include',
  dependencies: [...])

As this is a header-only library, the only thing it needs to do is to expose the header dir. The dependencies keyword argument lists all the other dependencies that are needed to build code that uses the container library. These are move, assert, static_assert, intrusive, core and config. Their build files are almost identical to this one. No code changes were needed. The total LoC of files for this entire setup is 42. Which is apt.

Making it better

The main reason for this low line count is the fact that the Meson build definition do a lot less than the original ones. They do a lot are highly configurable, which might also explain why Boost's conversion to CMake has taken several years and is still ongoing. A lot of that effort is taken by things like documentation, but the actual build is also more complicated as it provides for more stuff. Here are two examples and an outline of how they would be implemented in Meson.

Built libraries

Some Boost libraries are header-only, others require some code to be built and linked against. Suppose we have a header-only dependency. Its dependency object would be defined like this:

foo_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: 'include')

Converting that to contain a library component would be done like this:

foo_lib = library(...)
foo_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: 'include',
                             link_with: foo_lib)

Basically you build the library and then tell users to link to that. This is pretty much what the SDL build definitions did. The library can be shared or static, they both work the same way.

Compiler flags needed for using the dependency

Some of the libraries seem to require that users of the library must specify some compiler command line arguments. These might or might not be the same ones that are used to build the library components themselves. This is natively supported.

foo_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: 'include',
                             compile_args: ['-DUSING_FOO'])

How much work would it be to convert all of Boost?

It depends, but quite a lot in any case. Boost is very big. If one attempts to reach feature parity with the current build system it would be a very, very big effort. I'm told that there are parts of Boost that have circular dependencies between projects and Meson does not support those (as in: they are inexpressible). Meson's HP-UX support is also still a work in progress (or, to be more exact, a work not in progress, at least as far as I'm aware of).

Doing a simple conversion that only needs to deal with the code on common platforms, on the other hand, would be doable. It would require a small team of dedicated people, because trying to do it alone would just lead to a massive burnout, but it could be done.

Friday, October 30, 2020

How to build dependencies as Meson subprojects using SDL as an example

Today we released version 0.56.0 of the Meson build system. This is an especially important release as it marks the 10 000th commit since the start of the project. A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed their time and effort, this project would not exist without all of you. However in this post we are not going to talk about that, those interested can find further details in the release notes. Instead we are going to be talking about how to build your dependencies from source on every platform without needing anything other than Meson. 

Last month I had a lightning talk at CppCon about this way of managing dependencies:

Since then there have been many improvements to the workflow for a smoother experience. To demonstrate this I upgraded the sample program to use SDL Mixer and SDL Image instead of relying on plain SDL. The code is available in this Github repo (only tested on Windows because I ran out of time to do proper multiplatform testing)  The core of the build definition is this:

sdl2_dep = dependency('sdl2')
sdl2_image_dep = dependency('sdl2_image')
sdl2_mixer_dep = dependency('sdl2_mixer')
executable('sdltestapp', 'main.cpp',
  dependencies : [sdl2_image_dep, sdl2_mixer_dep, sdl2_dep],
  win_subsystem: 'windows')

This has always worked on Linux and other platforms that provide system dependencies via Pkg-Config. As of the latest release of Meson and newest code from WrapDB, this works transparently on all platforms. Basically for every dependency you want to build yourself, you need a wrap file, like this:

The contents consist mostly of download links, hashes and build meta info. Upstream sources are not checked in your repo (unless you want to) so it remains small. The actual files are in the repository linked above. When you start building and the project needs some dependency, Meson will use info in wrap files to download, patch and build the dependencies as subprojects as needed. This is what it looks like when configuring on Windows using MSVC without any external dependency providers.

Then you can build it. Here I'm using Visual Studio Code because why not.

The end result runs directly as a native Windows application (text annotations not part of the original program) using SDL's Direct3D accelerated rendering.

There are three different source files loaded using SDL Image: a png file, a jpg file and an LZW compressed tif file. The app is also playing sound effects in Ogg Vorbis and wav formats using SDL Mixer. Dependencies of dependencies work automatically as one would expect. All dependency libraries are statically linked as it is the easiest way to get things working under Windows (at least until your project gets too big).

If you want to try it yourself, here's what you need to do:

  1. Install Visual Studio, Meson and Ninja (not strictly required, you can use the VS backend instead if you wish)
  2. Open the VS x64 dev tools shell.
  3. Clone the repo and cd inside it.
  4. Run meson build
  5. Run ninja -C build
The executable should now be at the root of the build dir ready to run.

Contributing to the WrapDB

The biggest problem facing WrapDB has at the moment is its selection of available libraries is fairly small. Fortunately it is easy to contribute new dependencies. There are two main cases.

Submitting projects that already build with Meson

  1. Make sure your project gets all its dependencies via the dependency function rather than invoking subproject directly and provide a suitable dependency object via declare_dependency.
  2. Create an upstream.wrap file with the necessary info. See the documentation or, if you prefer examples, how it is done in libtiff.
  3. Request that your project be added to WrapDB as described in the documentation linked above.
That's pretty much it. Once your project is in the WrapDB it can be immediately used by any other Meson project.

Contributing projects that do not build with Meson

The basic outline is the same as above, except that first you need to rewrite the project's build system in Meson. I'm not going to lie: sometimes this is a fair bit of work. Sometimes it is not the most pleasant thing in the world. No pain, no gain and all that.

Given that there are thousands upon thousands of projects available, which ones should be converted first? The most obvious answer is the ones that you personally need, because then you are doing work that directly benefits yourself. After that it gets trickier. One good approach is to look at established cross platform open source projects. Many of them have a directory where they store copies of their third party dependencies. Any libraries there are most likely needed by other programs as well. Here are links to some of them:

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Meson Manual: Good News, Bad News and Good News

 Starting with good news, the Meson Manual has been updated to a third edition. In addition to the usual set of typo fixes, there is an entirely new chapter on converting projects from an existing build system to Meson. Not only are there tips and tricks on each part of the conversion, there is even guidance on how to get it done on projects that are too big to be converted in one go.

Unfortunately there are also bad news, which boils down to this graph.

This is the monthly sales amounts (in euros) since the beginning of this year. As you can tell it follows a typical exponential decay with a peak at the beginning and then a steady decline. Sales for this month are expected to be noticeably smaller than last month. Unfortunately keeping online sales for a product like this ongoing requires both time and money (to pay for the various services needed). Unfortunately the numbers show that this is not financially worthwhile.

Thus I must inform everyone that the manual will be discontinued. You can still buy it and the download links will stay valid until the end of this year. Thank you to everyone who bought the book and especially to those who sent me feedback and typo fixes.

To end on a positive note, there has been a final price reduction and the manual can now be bought for just €19.95.

FAQ: Will the manual be available under a free license after sales end?

No. At least not in the foreseeable future.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cargo-style dependency management for C, C++ and other languages with Meson

My previous blog post about modern C++ got a surprising amount of feedback. Some people even reimplemented the program in other languages, including one in Go, two different ones in Rust and even this slightly brain bending C++ reimplementation as a declarative style pipeline. It also got talked about on Reddit and Hacker news. Two major comments that kept popping up were the following.

  1. There are potential bugs if the program is ever extended to support non-ASCII text
  2. It is hard to use external dependencies in C++ (and by extension C)
Let's solve both of these problems at the same time. There are many "lite" solutions for doing Unicode aware text processing, but we're going to use the 10 000 kilogram hammer: International Components for Unicode. The actual code changes are not that big, interested parties can go look up the details in this Github repo. The thing that is relevant for this blog post is the build and dependency management. The Meson build definition is quite short:

project('cppunicode', 'cpp',
        default_options: ['cpp_std=c++17',
icu_dep = dependency('icu-i18n')
thread_dep = dependency('threads')
executable('cppunicode', 'cppunicode.cpp',
           dependencies: [icu_dep, thread_dep])

The threads dependency is for the multithreaded parts (see end of this post). I developed this on Linux and used the convenient system provided ICU. Windows and Mac do not provide system libs so we need to build ICU from scratch on those platforms. This is achieved by running the following command in your project's source root:

$ meson wrap install icu
Installed icu branch 67.1 revision 1

This contacts Meson's WrapDB server and downloads build definition files for ICU. That is all you need to do. The build files do not need any changes. When you start building the project, Meson will automatically download and build the dependency. Here is a screenshot of the download step:

Here it is building in Visual Studio:

And here is the final built result running on macOS:

One notable downside of this approach is that WrapDB does not have all that many packages yet. However I have been told that given the next Meson release (in a few weeks) and some upstream patches, it is possible to build the entire GTK widget toolkit as a subproject, even on Windows. 

If anyone wants to contribute to the project, contributions are most welcome. You can for example convert existing projects and submit them to wrapdb or become a reviewer. The Meson web site has the relevant documentation

Appendix: making it parallel

Several people pointed out that while the original program worked fine, it only uses one thread. This may be a bottleneck and that "in C++ it is hard to execute work in parallel". This is again one of those things that has gotten a lot better in the last few years. The "correct" solution would be to use the parallel version of transform_reduce. Unfortunately most parallel STL implementations are still in the process of being implemented so we can't use those in multiplatform code. We can, however, roll our own fairly easily, without needing to create or lock a single mutex by hand. The code has the actual details, but the (slightly edited) gist of of it is this:

for(const auto &e:
    std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(".")) {
    if(futures.size() > num_threads) {
        pop_future(word_counts, futures);
while(!futures.empty()) {
   pop_future(word_counts, futures);

Here the count_word_files function calculates the number of words in a single file and the pop_future function joins individual results to the final result. By using a share-nothing architecture, pure functions and value types all business logic code can be written as if it was single threaded and the details of thread and mutex management can be left to library code. Haskell fans would be proud (or possibly horrified, not really sure).

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Does C++ still deserve the bad rap it has had for so long?

Traditionally C++ has been seen by many (and you know who you are) as just plain bad: the code is unreadably verbose, error messages are undecipherable, it's unsafe, compilation takes forever and so on. In fact making fun of C++ is even a fun pastime for some. All of this was certainly true in the 90s and even as recent as 10 years ago. But is it still the case? What would be a good way to determine this?

A practical experiment

Let's write a fairly simple program that solves a sort-of-real-worldish problem and see what comes out of it. The problem we want to solve is the following:
Find all files with the extension .txt recursively in the subdirectories of the current directory, count the number of times each word appears in them and print the ten most common words and the number of times they are used.

We're not going to go for extreme performance or handling all possible corner cases, instead going for a reasonable implementation. The full code can be found by following this link.

The first thing we need is a way to detect files with a given extension and words within text. This calls for regular expressions:

const std::regex fname_regex("\\.txt$", std::regex_constants::icase);

const std::regex word_regex("([a-z]{2,})", std::regex_constants::icase);

This might a bit verbose, but quite readable. This only works for ASCII text, but for the purposes of this experiment it is sufficient. To calculate the number of times each word is seen, we need a hash table:

std::unordered_map<std::string, int> word_counts;

Now we need to iterate over all files in the current directory subtree.

for(const auto &e: std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator("."))

Skip everything that is not a .txt file.

if(!e.is_regular_file()) {
if(!std::regex_search(e.path().c_str(), fname_regex)) {

Process the file line by line:

std::ifstream current_file(e.path());
for (std::string line; std::getline(current_file, line); )

For each line we need to find all words that match the regular expression.

std::sregex_iterator word_end;
for(auto it = std::sregex_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), word_regex); it != word_end; ++it)

This is a bit verbose, but it takes care of all the state tracking needed to run the regex multiple times on the same input string. Doing the same by hand is fairly tedious and error prone. Now that we have the matches, we need to convert them to standalone lowercase words.

std::string word{it->str()};
for(auto &c : word) {
    c = std::tolower(c);

Lowercasing strings is a bit cumbersome, granted, but this is at least fairly readable. Then on to incrementing the word count.


That's all that is needed to count the words. This can't be done directly in the hash map so we need to convert the data to an an array. It needs some setup code.

struct WordCount {
    std::string word;
    int count;

std::vector<WordCount> word_array;

Since we know how many entries will be in the array, we can reserve enough space for it in advance. Then we need to iterate over all entries and add them to the array.

for(const auto &[word, count]: word_counts) {
    word_array.emplace_back(WordCount{word, count});

This uses the new structured bindings feature, which is a lot more readable than the old way of dealing with iterator objects or pairs with their firsts and their seconds and all that horror. Fortunately no more.

The simple way of getting the 10 most used entries is to sort the array and then grab the 10 first elements. Let's do something slightly swaggier instead [0]. We'll do a partial sort and discard all entries after 10. For that we need a descending sorting criterion as a lambda.

auto count_order_desc = [](const WordCount &w1, const WordCount &w2) { return w2.count < w1.count; };

Using it is straightforward.

const auto final_size = std::min(10, (int)word_array.size());
std::partial_sort(word_array.begin(), word_array.begin() + final_size, word_array.end(), count_order_desc);
word_array.erase(word_array.begin() + final_size, word_array.end());

All that remains is to print the final result.

for(const auto& word_info: word_array) {
    std::cout << word_info.count << " " << word_info.word << "\n";


As safety and security are important features in current sofware development, let's examine how safe this program is. There are two main safety points: thread safety and memory safety. As this program has only one thread, it can be formally proven to be thread safe. Memory safety also divides into two main things to note: use after frees (or dangling references) and out of bound array accesses.

In this particular program there are no dangling references. All data is in value types and the only references are iterators. They are all scoped so that they never live past their usages. Most are not even stored into named variables but instead passed directly as function arguments (see especially the call to partial_sort). Thus they can not be accessed after they have expired. There is no manual resource management of any kind. All resources are freed automatically. Running the code under Valgrind yields zero errors and zero memory leaks.

There is one place in the code where an out-of-bounds access is possible: when creating the iterator pointing to 10 elements past the beginning of the array [2]. If you were to forget to check that the array has at least 10 elements, that would be an immediate error. Fortunately most standard libraries have a way to enable checks for this. Here's what GCC reports at runtime if you get this wrong:

Error: attempt to advance a dereferenceable (start-of-sequence) iterator 100000 steps, which falls outside its valid range.

Not really a perfect safety record, but overall it's fairly good and certainly a lot better than implementing the same by manually indexing arrays.


Compiling the program takes several seconds, which is not great. This is mostly due to the regex header, which is known to be heavyweight. Some of the compiler messages encountered during development were needlessly verbose. The actual errors were quite silly, though, such as passing arguments to functions in the wrong order. This could definitely be better. It is reported that the use of concepts in C++20 will fix most of this issue, but there are no practical real-world usage reports yet.

Unique features

This code compiles, runs and works [1] on all major platforms using only the default toolchain provided by the OS vendor without any external dependencies or downloads. This is something that no other programming language can provide as of date. The closest you can get is plain C, but its standard library does not have the necessary functionality. Compiling the code is also simple and can be done with a single command:

g++ -o cppexample -O2 -g -Wall -std=c++17 cppexample.cpp


If we try to look at the end result with objective eyes it would seem to be fairly nice. The entire implementation takes fewer than 60 lines of code. There's nothing immediately terrible that pops up. What is happening at each step is fairly understandable and readable. There's nothing that one could immediately hate and despise for being "awful", as is tradition.

This is not to say you could still not hate C++. If you want to, go right ahead. There are certainly reasons for it. But if you choose to do that, make sure you hate it for real actual reasons of today, rather than things that were broken decades ago but have been fixed since.

[0] There is an even more efficient solution using a priority queue that does not need the intermediate array. Implementing it is left as an exercise to the reader.
[1] Reader beware, I have only proven this code to be portable, not tried it.
[2] The implementation in [0] does not have this problem as no iterators are ever modified by hand.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Is your project a unique snowflake or do you just think that it is?

If there is a national sport for programmers, it is reinventing existing things from scratch. This seems to be especially common inside corporations that tend to roll their own rather than, for example, using an existing open source library. If you try to ask around why this has been done, you typically get some variation of this:
We can't use off-the-shelf solutions because we have unique needs and requirements that no-one else has.

Now, there genuinely are cases where this is true, but it mostly happens only in very spesialised cases, such as when you are google-scale, do space engineering or something similar. There might also be legal or regulatory reasons that you must own all code in a product. Most projects are not like this. In fact almost always someone (typically hundreds of someones) has had the exact same problem and solved it. Yet people seem to keep reinventing the wheel for no real purpose. If you ever find yourself in a debate on why people should use existing solutions rather than roll your own, here are some talking points to consider.

How have you established that your needs are actually unique?

Very often when someone says "the needs for <project X> are unique" what they are actually saying is "this needs a feature I have never personally encountered before". This is not due to malice, it is just how human beings seem to behave. If one has a rough idea of how to solve a problem by coding it from scratch but no knowledge of an existing solution, people tend to go with the former rather than spend time on researching the problem. I don't know why. This is especially true if there is external pressure on "getting something going fast".

I know this, because I have actually done it myself. Ages ago I was working on some Java code and needed to communicate with a different process. I was starting to write a custom socket protocol when my coworker asked why am I not simply using regular HTTP with Jetty. The answer, to the surprise of absolutely no-one, is that I had never heard of it. This single sentence saved days of implementation work and probably the same amount in ongoing maintenance and debugging work.

We need more performance than existing solutions can provide

This splits nicely into two parts. In the first one you actually need the performance. This is rare, but it happens. Even so, you might consider optimizing the existing solution first. If you are successfull, submit the changes upstream. This way they benefit everyone and reduce the ongoing maintenance burden to roughly zero.

The other case is that all the performance you think you need, you don't actually need. This is surprisingly common. It turns out that modern computers and libraries are so fast that even "reasonably ok" is performant enough most of the time for most problems [0]. As an example I was working on a product that chose to roll its own functionality X rather than using the standard solution in Linux because it needed to do "thousands of operations per second". These operations were only done in response to human interaction, so there was no way it could generate more than 10 or so events per second. But still. Must have performance, so multiple months of hand-rolling it was.

To add insult to injury, I did some measurements and it turned out that the existing solution could do one thousand operations per second without even needing to go to C. The Python bindings were fast enough.

We need the ability to change the implementation at will

One major downside of using an existing open source solution is that you have to give up some control. Changes must be submitted to people outside your immediate control. They might say no and you can't override them with office politics. In-house code does not have this problem.

This control comes with a significant downside. What fairly often happens is that some developers write and maintain the new functionality and everything is rosy. Then time happens and the original coders switch teams and jobs, become managers and so on. They take the knowledge required to change the system with them. Unless your company has a very strong culture of transferring this knowledge, and most companies most definitely don't, the code will bitrot, fossilize and become a massive clump of legacy that must not be touched because there is no documentation, no tests and nobody really understands it any more.

So even if the corporation has the possibility to change the code at will they lack the ability to do so.

Sometimes people just plain lie

There are two main reasons that explain pretty much everything what people do, say and recommend:
  1. The reason they give to others
  2. The real reason
Even for "purely technical" decisions like these, the two can be drastically different. Suppose some developer has done several similar "boring" projects. Then when the time comes to choose the approach for the new project. If they choose an existing system, they know that the next project will be just like the preceding five. If, on the other hand, some new tech is chosen, then the entire task becomes more meaningful and exciting. In this case the stated reason is technical fitness, but the real reason is frustration. Another way of stating this is that when asked "should we use library X or write our own from scratch" the answer the coder would want to give is "I don't want to work on that project". 

This is not something that people won't say out loud because it gets you easily labeled as a "prima-donna", "work avoider" or "elitist". Many people will also have trouble saying it because it comes from a "bad" emotional response. All of this leads to shame and people are willing to go to great lengths to avoid feeling ashamed.

The same reasoning applies to other "impure" emotions such as infatuation ("OMG this new tech is so cool"), disgust ("using tech X means I have to work with Bob from department X"), infidelity ("either you give me this or I'm accepting the job offer from a competitor"), megalomania ("creating this new framework will make me a superstar celebrity coder") and the ever-popular self-disappointment ("I got into programming because I wanted to create new things like an architect, but ended up as a code janitor").

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Want GCC's cleanup attribute in Visual Studio? Here's what to do.

A common pain point for people writing cross platform C code is that they can't use GCC's cleanup attribute and by extension GLib's g_auto family of macros. I had a chat with some Microsoft people and it turns out it may be possible to get this functionality added to Visual Studio. They add features based on user feedback. Therefore, if you want to see this functionality added to VS, here's what you should do:

  1. Create a Microsoft account if you don't already have one.
  2. Upvote this issue.
  3. Spread the word to other interested people.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Proposal for a computer game research topic: the walk/game ratio

I used to play a fair bit of computer games but in the recent years the amount of time spent on games has decreased. Then the lockdown happened and I bought a PS4 and got back into gaming, which was fun. As often is the case, once guy get back into something after a break you find yourself paying attention to things that you never noticed before.

In this particular case it was about those parts of games where you are not actually playing the game. Instead you are walking/driving/riding from one place to another because the actual thing you want to do is somewhere else. A typical example of this is Red Dead Redemption II (and by extension all GTAs). At first wondering the countryside is fun and immersive but at some point it becomes tedious and you just wish to be at your destination (fast travel helps, but not enough). Note that this does not apply to extra content. Having a lush open sandbox world that people can explore at their leisure is totally fine. This is about "grinding by walking" that you have to do in order to complete the game.

This brings up several interesting questions. How much time, on average, do computer games require players to spend travelling from one place to another as opposed to doing the thing the game is actually about (e.g. shooting nazis, shooting zombie nazis, hunting for secret nazi treasure and fighting underwater nazi zombies)? Does this ratio vary over time? Are there differences between genres, design studios and publishers? It turns out that determining these numbers is fairly simple but laborious. I have too many ongoing projects to do this myself, so here's a research outline for anyone to put in their research grant application:

  1. Select a representative set of games.
  2. Go to and download the fastest any-% glitchless run available.
  3. Split the video into separate segments such as "actual gameplay", "watching unskippable cutscenes", "walkgrinding" and "waiting for game to finish loading".
  4. Tabulate times, create graphs

Hypothetical results

As this research has not been done (that I know of and am able to google up) we don't know what the results would be. That does not stop us from speculating endlessly, so here are some estimates that this research might uncover:
  • Games with a lot of walkgrdinding: RDR II, Assassin's Creed series, Metroid Prime.
  • Games with a medium amount of walkgrinding: Control, Uncharted
  • Games with almost no walkgrinding: Trackmania, Super Meat Boy.
  • Games that require the player to watch the same unskippable cutscenes over and over: Super Mario Sunshine
  • Newer games require more walkgrinding simply because game worlds have gotten bigger

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Resist the urge to argue about app store security

Recently Miguel de Icaza wrote a blog post arguing that closed computing platforms where a major US corporation decides what software users are allowed to install are a good thing. This has, naturally, caused people to become either confused, disappointed or angry. Presumably many people are writing responses and angry comments. I almost started one writing one pointing out all the issues I found in the post.

Doing that would probably create a fairly popular blog post with followups. It might even get to the reddits and hackernewses and generate tons of comments where people would duke it out on issues on user choice vs the safety provided by a curated walled garden. There would be hundreds, if not thousands, of snarky tweets that make their poster feel superior for a while but are ultimately not productive. To quote Star Trek Deep Space Nine:
Spare me please-think-of-the-children speech and I'll spare you the users-must-have-control-over-their-own-devices speech [1].
Having us, the user and developer community, argue about this issue is pointless, unproductive and actively harmful. This particular phenomenon is not new, it even has a name. In fact this approach is so old that the name is in latin: Divide et impera. Divide and conquer. All the time and energy that we spend on arguing this issue among ourselves is time not spent on working towards a solution.

The actual solution to this issue is conceptually so simple it could be called trivial. The entire problem at hand is one that has been created by Apple. They are also the ones that can solve it. All they have to do is to add one new piece of functionality to iOS devices. Specifically that users who so choose, can change an option in the device they own allowing them to download, install and use any application binaries freely from the Internet. Enabling this functionality could be done, for example, in a similar way to how Android phones enable developer mode. Once implemented Apple would then make a public statement saying that this workflow is fully supported and that applications obtained in this way will, now and forevermore, have access to all the same APIs as official store apps do.

This is all it takes! Further, they could make it so that IT departments and concerned parents could disable this functionality on their employees' and children's devices so that they can only obtain apps via the app store. This gives both sets of users exactly what they want. Those who prefer living in a walled curated garden can do so. Those with the desire and willingness to venture outside the walls and take responsibility of their own actions can do so too and still get all the benefits of sandboxing and base platform security.

Apple could do this. Apple could have done this at launch. Apple could have done this at any time since. Apple has actively chosen not to do this. Keep this is mind if you ever end up arguing about this issue on the Internet. People who have different priorities and preferences are not "the enemy". If you get into the flaming and the shouting you have been divided. And you have been conquered.

[1] Might not be a word-for-word accurate transcription.

Friday, August 28, 2020

It ain't easy being a unique snowflake, the laptop purchasing edition

As the lockdown drags on I have felt the need to buy a new laptop as my old one is starting to age. A new category in the laptop market is 2-in-1 laptops with full drawing pen support. It has been a long time since I have done any real drawing or painting and this seemed like a nice way to get back into that. On the other hand the computer also needs to be performant for heavy duty software development such as running the Meson test suite (which is surprisingly heavy) and things like compiling LLVM. This yields the following requirements:

  • A good keyboard, on the level of Thinkpads or 2015-ish Macbook Pros
  • 13 or 14 inch screen, at least Retina level resolution, HDR would be nice, as matte as possible
  • Pressure and tilt support for the pen
  • At least 16GB of RAM
  • USB A, C and HDMI connectors would be nice
  • At least Iris level graphics with free drivers (so no NVidia)
  • A replaceable battery would be nice
  • Working dual boog (I need Win10 for various things), full Linux support (including wifi et al)
After a bunch of research it turns out that this set of requirements might be impossible to fullfill. Here are the tree best examples that I found.

HP Elite Dragonfly

The documentation is unclear on whether the pen supports tilting. More importantly this model is only available with Intel 8th gen processors and online reviews say the screen is super glossy.

Lenovo Yoga X1 Gen5

Pen does not support tilting. The graphics card is a standard Intel HD, not Iris.

Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 7390

This is the one that gets the closest. There is no USB A or HDMI connectors, and the pen requires an AAAA battery. This is annoying but tolerable. Unfortunately the keyboard is of the super thin type, which is just not usable.

So now what?

Probably going to stick with the current ones for now. New models come out at a fairly steady pace, so maybe this mythical white whale will become available for purchase at some point. Alternatively I might eventually just fold, give up on some requirements and buy a compromise machine. Typically this causes the dream machine to become available for purchase immediately afterwards, when it is too late. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Most "mandatory requirements" in corporations are imaginary

In my day job I work as a consultant. Roughly six months ago my current client had a non-negotiable requirement that consultants are not allowed to work remotely. Employees did have this privilege. This is, clearly, a stupid policy and there have been many attempts across the years to get it changed. Every time someone in the management chain has axed the proposal with some variation of "this policy can not be changed because this is our policy and thus can not be changed", possibly with a "due to security reasons" thrown in there somewhere.

Then COVID-19 happened and the decision came to lock down the head office. Less than a day after this everyone (including consultants) got remote working rights, VPN tokens and all other bits and bobs. The old immutable, mandatory, unalterable and just-plain-how-we-do-things rules and regulations seemed to vanish to thin air in the blink of an eye. The question is why did this happen?

The answer is simple: because it became mandatory to due to external pressure. A more interesting question would be if it really was that simple, how come this had not happened before? Further, are the same reasons that blocked this obvious improvement for so long are also holding back other policy braindeadisms that reduce employee productivity. Unfortunately the answers here are not as clear-cut and different organizations may have different underlying causes for the same problem.

That being said, let's look at one potential causes: the gain/risk imbalance. Typically many policy and tech problems occur at a fairly low level. Changes benefit mostly the people who, as one might say, are doing the actual work. In graph form it might look like this.

This is not particularly surprising. People higher up the management chain have a lot on their plate. They probably could not spend the time to learn about benefits from low level work flow changes even if they wanted to and the actual change will be invisible to them. On the other hand managers are fairly well trained to detect and minimize risk. This is where things fall down because the risk profile for this policy change is the exact opposite.

The big question on managers' minds (either consciously or unconsciously) when approving a policy change is "if I do this and anything goes wrong, will I get blamed?". This should not be the basis of choice but in practice it sadly is. This is where things go wrong. The people who would most benefit from the change (and thus have the biggest incentive to get it fixed) do not get to make the call. Instead it goes to people who will see no personal benefit, only risk. After all, the current policy has worked well thus far so don't fix it if it is not broken. Just like no one ever got fired for buying IBM, no manager has ever gotten reprimanded for choosing to uphold existing policy.

This is an unfortunate recurring organizational problem. Many policies are chosen without full knowledge of the problem sometimes this information is even impossible to get if the issue is new and no best practices have yet been discovered. Then it becomes standard practice and then a mandatory requirement that can't be changed, even though it is not really based on anything, provides no benefit and just causes harm. Such are the downsides of hierarchical organization charts.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The second edition of the Meson manual is out

I have just uploaded the second edition of the Meson manual to the web store for your purchasing pleasure. New content includes things like:

  • Reference documentation updated to match 0.55
  • A new chapter describing "random tidbits" for practical usage
  • Cross compilation chapter update with new content
  • Bug fixes and minor updates
Everyone who has bought the book can download this version (and in fact all future updates) for free.

Sales stats up to this point

The total number of sales is roughly 130 copies corresponding to 3500€ in total sales. Expenses thus far are a fair bit more than that.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

About that "Google always builds everything from source every time" thing

One of the big battles of dependencies is whether you should use somehow prebuilt libraries (e.g. the Debian-style system packaging) or vendor all the sources of your deps and build everything yourself. Whenever this debat gets going, someone is going to do a "well, actually" and say some kind of variation of this:
Google vendors all dependencies and builds everything from source! Therefore that is clearly the right thing to do and we should do that also.
The obvious counterargument to this is the tried-and-true if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too response known by every parent in the world. The second, much lesser known counterargument is that this statement is not actually true.

Google does not actually rebuild all code in their projects from source. Don't believe me? Here's exhibit A:

The original presentation video can be found here. Note that the slide and the video speak of multiple prebuilt dependencies, not just one [0]. Thus we find that even Google, with all of their power, money, superior engineering talent and insistence to rebuild everything from source, do not rebuild everything from source. Instead they have to occasionally use prebuilt third party libraries just like the rest of the world. Thus a more accurate form of the above statement would be this:
Google vendors most dependencies and builds everything from source when possible and when that is not the case they use prebuilt libraries but try to keep quiet about it in public because it would undermine their publicly made assertion that everyone should always rebuild everything from source.
The solution to this is obvious: you just rebuild all things that you can from sources and get the rest as prebuilt libraries. What's the big deal here? By itself there would not be, but this ideology has consequences. There are many tools and even programming languages designed nowadays that only handle the build-from-source case because obviously everyone has the source code for all their deps. Unfortunately this is just not true. No matter how bad prebuilt no-access-to-source libraries are [1], they are also a fact of life and must be natively supported. Not doing that is a major adoption blocker. This is one of the unfortunate side effects of dealing with all the nastiness of the real world instead of a neat idealized sandbox.

[0] This presentation is a few years old. It is unknown whether there are still prebuilt third party libraries in use.

[1] Usually they are pretty bad.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Pinebook Pro longer term usage report

I bought a Pinebook Pro in the first batch, and have been using it on and off for several months now. Some people I know wanted to know if it is usable as a daily main laptop.

Sadly, it is not. Not for me at least. It is fairly close though.

Random bunch of things that are annoying or broken

I originally wanted to use stock Debian but at some point the Panfrost driver broke and the laptop could not start X. Eventually I gave up and switched to the default Manjaro. Its installer does not support an encrypted root file system. A laptop without an encrypted disk is not really usable as a laptop as you can't take it out of your house.

The biggest gripe is that everything feels sluggish. Alt-tabbing between Firefox and a terminal takes one second, as does switching between Firefox tabs. As an extreme example switching between channels in Slack takes five to ten seconds. It is unbearably slow. The wifi is not very good, it can't connect reliably to an access point in the next room (distance of about 5 meters). The wifi behaviour seems to be distro dependent so maybe there are some knobs to twiddle.

Video playback on browsers is not really nice. Youtube works in the default size, but fullscreen causes a massive frame rate drop. Fullscreen video playback in e.g. VLC is smooth.

Basic shell operations are sluggish too. I have a ZSH prompt that shows the Git status of the current directory. Entering in a directory that has a Git repo freezes the terminal for several seconds. Basically every time you need to get something from disk that is not already in cache leads to a noticeable delay.

The screen size and resolution scream for fractional scaling but Manjaro does not seem to provide it. Scale of 1 is a bit too small and 2 is way too big. The screen is matte, which is totally awesome, but unfortunately the colors are a bit muted and for some reason it seems a bit fuzzy. This may be because I have not used a sub-retina level laptop displays in years.

The trackpad's motion detector is rubbish at slow speeds. There is a firmware update that makes it better but it's still not great. According to the forums someone has already reverse engineered the trackpad and created an unofficial firmware that is better. I have not tried it. Manjaro does not provide a way to disable tap-to-click (a.k.a. the stupidest UI misfeature ever invented including the emojibar) which is maddening. This is not a hardware issue, though, as e.g. Debian's Gnome does provide this functionality. The keyboard is okayish, but sometimes detects keypresses twice, which is also annoying.

For light development work the setup is almost usable. I wrote a simple 3D model viewer app using Qt Creator and it was surprisingly smooth all round, the 3D drivers worked reliably and so on. Unfortunately invoking the compiler was again sluggish (this was C++, though, so some is expected). Even simple files that compile instantly on x86_64 took seconds to build.

Can the issues be fixed?

It's hard to say. The Panfrost driver is under heavy development, so it will probably keep getting better. That should fix at least the video playback issues. Many of the remaining issues seem to be on the CPU and disk side, though. It is unknown whether there are enough optimization gains to be had to make the experience fully smooth and, more importantly, whether there are people doing that work. It seems feasible that the next generation of hardware will be fast enough for daily usage.

Bonus content: compiling Clang

Just to see what would happen, I tried whether it would be possible to compile Clang from source (it being the heaviest fairly-easy-to-build program that I know of). It turns out that you can, here are the steps for those who want to try it themselves:
  • Checkout Clang sources
  • Create an 8 GB swap file and enable it
  • Configure Clang,  add -fuse-ld=gold to linker flags (according to Clang docs there should be a builtin option for this but in reality there isn't) and set max parallel link jobs to 1
  • Start compilation with ninja -j 4 (any more and the compilation jobs cause a swap storm)
  • If one of the linker jobs cause a swap storm, kill the processes and build the problematic library by hand with ninja bin/
  • Start parallel compilation again and if it freezes, repeat as above
After about 7-8 hours you should be done.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The ABI stability matryoshka

In the C++ on Sea conference last week Herb Sutter had a talk about replacing an established thingy with a new version. Obviously the case of ABI stability came up and he answered with the following (the video is not available so this quote is only approximate, though there is an earlier version of the talk viewable here):
Backwards compatibility is important so that old code can keep working. When upgrading to a new system it would be great if you could voluntarily opt into using the old ABI. So far no-one has managed to do this but if we could crack this particular nut, making major ABI changes would become a lot easier.
Let's try to do exactly that. We'll start with a second (unattributed) quote that often gets thrown around in ABI stability discussions:
Programming language specifications do not even acknowledge the existance of an ABI. It is wholly a distro/tool vendor problem and they should be the ones to solve it.
Going from this we can find out the actual underlying problem, which is running programs of two different ABI versions at the same time on the same OS. The simple solution of rebuilding the world from scratch does not work. It could be done for the base platform but, due to business and other reasons, you can't enforce a rebuild of all user applications (and those users, lest we forget, pay a very hefty amount of money to OS vendors for the platform their apps run on). Mixing new and old ABI apps is fragile and might fail due to the weirdest of reasons no matter how careful you are. The problem is even more difficult in "rolling release" cases where you can't easily rebuild the entire world in one go such as Debian unstable, but we'll ignore that case for now.

It turns out that there already exists a solution for doing exactly this: Flatpak. Its entire reason of existance is to run binaries with different ABI (and even API) on a given Linux platform while making it appear as if it was running on the actual host. There are other ways of achieving the same, such as Docker or systemd-nspawn, but they aim to isolate the two things from each other rather than unifying them. Thus a potential solution to the problem is that whenever an OS breaks ABI compatibility in a major way (which should be rare, like once every few years) it should provide the old ABI version of itself as a Flatpak and run legacy applications that way. In box diagram architecture format it would look like this:

The main downside of this is that the OS vendor's QA department has twice as much work as they need to validate both ABI versions of the product. There is also probably a fair bit of work work to make the two version work together seamlessly, but once you have that you can do all sorts of cool things, such as building the outer version with stdlibc++'s debug mode enabled. Normally you can't do that easily as it massively breaks ABI, but now it is easy. You can also build the host with address or memory sanitizer enabled for extra security (or just debugging).

If you add something like btrfs subvolumes and snapshotting and you can do all sorts of cool things. Suppose you have a very simple system with a web server and a custom backend application that you want to upgrade to the new ABI version. It could go something like this:

  1. Create new btrfs subvolume, install new version to that and set up the current install as the inner "Flatpak" host.
  2. Copy all core system settings to the outer install.
  3. Switch the main subvolume to the new install, reboot.
  4. Now the new ABI environment is running and usable but all apps still run inside the old version.
  5. Copy web server configuration to the outer OS and disable the inner one. This is easy because the all system software has the exact same version in both OS installs. Reboot.
  6. Port the business app to run on the new ABI version. Move the stored data and configuration to the outer version. The easiest way to do this is to have all this data on its own btrfs subvolume which is easy to switch over.
  7. Reboot. Done. Now your app has been migrated incrementally to the new ABI without intermediate breakage (modulo bugs).
The best part is that if you won't or can't upgrade your app to the new ABI, you can stop at step #5 and keep running the old ABI code until the whole OS goes out of support. The earlier ABI install will remain as is, can be updated with new RPMs and so on. Crucially this will not block others from switching to the new ABI at their leisure. Which is exactly what everyone wanted to achieve in the first place.